Installing and running

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Installing and running

The parallel blast programs are located in the directory ~/blast1.4/blastapp/net. In that directory execute:

Two additional environment variables were introduced:

If these envrionment variables are not defined, the values are taken from the equally named constants defined in blast.pvm.c.

The problem is, when a new version of blast programs arrives. Blast programs will probably always consist of the parts:

So, try to follow our method: Let the master and the slaves do the parsing of arguments, let the slaves do the searching, and let the master print the results. If the new version is not very different, then, by modifying a little bit the Perl script you might be able to generate the parallel blast programs (net_blastp.c, etc.). But probably you will have to change also something in the module results.[ch], because the mapping, unmapping and adding of the results is done there.

Minor updates will have perhaps to be done, when a new version of PVM or of the operating system comes out. The blast programs depend on the very portable ncbi and gish libraries, so most probably, recompilation of the programs will be enough.

To run the parallel blast programs, you have to start the PVM deamon on as many machines as possible, start the blast deamon demon_blast and execute the client blast.pvm. A simple session looks like this:
In one xterm start pvm and demon_blast. These are started just once.
% pvmd ~/pvm3/bin/some_hosts.pvm &
% demon_blast ~/pvm3/bin/some_hosts.pvm
And in another start the parallel blast application with the same arguments as in the serial version:
% blastp.pvm swiss ~/queries/protpart1.seq -batch

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Fri Jan 20 15:43:12 MET 1995